Guest appearance in the show "LAW 1 ON 1"




Guest appearance in the show "LAW 1 ON 1"

Guest appearance in the show "LAW 1 ON 1"

March 26, 2022.

Vektor Security

March 26, 2022. Guest appearance in the show "LAW 1 ON 1 - When and what protects private security in Serbia".
Author of the show: Maja Ljubičanović.
Guests: Natasa Ignjatovic, Head of the Department for Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia.
Aleksandar Maksimović, President of the Group for Physical Protection in the Association for Private Security.

During the guest appearance in the mentioned show, the answers to the questions were given: Who in Serbia can provide private security services? How do you get a license to work for the physical, and how for other types of security? What powers do members of this sector have?

Private security in Serbia is regulated by the Law on Private Security, as well as bylaws: Decree on minimum technical conditions for mandatory installation of technical protection systems in banks and other financial organizations, Decree on detailed criteria for determining mandatory facilities and how to perform their protection , Rulebook on the manner of performing technical protection and use of technical means, Rulebook on the professional exam for performing private security and security services, Rulebook on the manner of applying the powers of security officers, Rulebook on color and components of security officers' uniforms, Rulebook on programs and manner of performing professional training for performing private security and security services and the Rulebook on content,the appearance and manner of using the ID card of a private security officer.
