About Us

Vektor Security office

No one is more qualified
To be sure

Company "VEKTOR security doo" Belgrade, Jaše Prodanovića no. 10, specializes in providing services in the field of private security and disaster risk reduction and emergency management.

We base our work on positive legal provisions, good practice experiences and clear procedures for providing services. We are continuously working on improving the professional staff and raising the quality of services we provide.

The company "VEKTOR security doo" has experts with the necessary profiles and work experience, in order to provide services of the required quality.


Vektor Security has:

License for performing physical and technical protection of persons and property and maintaining order at sports events, public gatherings and other gathering places of citizens.

License for risk assessment in the protection of persons, property and business.

Authorization to prepare a disaster risk assessment and protection and rescue plan.

We base our business on quality, professionalism and consistency and we are committed to:

It performs its services in accordance with the applicable legislation.

It performs its services in accordance with the code of professional conduct and business standards of the profession.

It hires executors who are professionally trained in accordance with the general and special legal conditions for the provision of services in a particular area.

Performs constant quality control of the service it provides to the client.

Be in constant contact with the client in order to improve the quality of service provided.

Vektor security padlock
Vektor security rocket

The director's word

The transition from a state-centric approach to security, in which the main goal was the protection of state security to a humanocentric approach to security, entails a changed role of the subjects of the security system.

Vektor security eye


Constant and rapid changes in business security, as well as uncertain and often unpredictable factors, their complexity, interconnectedness and impact on people, property and business, the company VEKTOR security has formulated the mission, vision, strategic priorities and goals of its business.

Vektor security badge


The level of positioning VEKTOR security in relation to the competition according to this criterion is very high. We can freely say that we are leading in Serbia according to this criterion, because we know that quality service is what keeps us on the market.